Social Media

Social media guidelines can help a company establish a clear and consistent brand image, comply with legal and regulatory requirements, increase productivity, manage risks, and effectively engage with their target audience.

In more detail about Social Media guidelines, please check the Figma file (there is a step-by-step guide on how to work with our templates).

If you need assistance with choosing the right photo or creating a design, feel free to contact anyone from the Creative Team.

When to use the logo/when not

Logo needs to be used in posts which are promotional or are visible outside Magebit accounts. If a post is posted in Magebit account, then the logo is not needed (logo will be visible in the avatar).

How to highlight text

By highlighting text we improve readability, facilitating skimming, enhancing memory retention, providing contact and identifying important information.
Words which would be highlighted are only main word or words.

Safe zones for video posts

Logo needs to be used in posts which are promotional or are visible outside Magebit accounts. If a post is posted in Magebit account, then the logo is not needed (logo will be visible in the avatar).

Q&A Posts

Posts where we need to have one to one connection with our users – we use Q&A posts. They are the only posts, which don't need to highlight any text in them.

1080 x 1080 px Q&A posts

1080 x 1920 px Q&A posts

Blog carousel

Carousel or post with multiple images is used mainly to promote Blog post in social media. Carousel is made as a simulation of one long continuous image in one color theme and contains sections that gradually reveal snippets of content. There is a logo used in the carousel's last image
A Story analogue for carousel rather inherits "step animation" feel instead of continuous image.


Margins in design templates are used to create a consistent visual hierarchy and to create space around the edges of the page or screen. This space helps to make the design more visually appealing and easier to read by providing a clear separation between the content and the edge of the page. Additionally, margins can help to prevent important information or design elements from being cut off when the design is printed or viewed on different screens.

Instagram Story Categories

Use Blue theme for corporate content stories that is sorted into highlight categories.

Use other color themes for casual content stories that is sorted into highlight categories.

Social Media Summary


Know when to use logo and when not to use


Highlight main word or words. Don't highlight words in Q&A posts


Use correct color when posting in Instagram stories