
Our logo is the primary visual symbol of our brand — a simple and elegant wordmark with magic symbol representing our brand name.

The lettering is custom made and carries distinct typographic elements to have it's own distinct characteristics.

Our logo is modular and can be splited into three different parts – full wordmark, letter mark and symbol.




Registered Trademark


Wordmark Construction

Our wordmark is carefully crafted to make sure it fits well within the whole brand system and stands out in the crowd. Sharp lines combined with round shapes are optically adjusted to achieve optimal visual balance.


Clearspace around the logo is equal to the M-height of the wordmark. It gives breathing space and helps the logo to stand out.

Clearspace Exceptions

Application icons, profile icons and various objects allow for exception of clearspace rule.

Application icons

Profile icons

In use on various materials

Colour & Scale

Few examples of different layouts with color blocks. Use the same principles on variousOn neutral or blue shade colors the logo is set in one of our primary base colours (white or dark blue) to maintain consistency across all brand materials. On materials with red, green and purple shades use the same shade dark colored logotype. layouts and proportions.

Main colors

Additional color use

White on Tech Blue

White on Neon Red

White on Emerald

White on Violet

White on Space Blue

White on Dark Sienna

White on Forest

White on Deep Purple

Space Blue on Sky

Dark Sienna on Sunset

Forest on Mint

Deep Purple on Lilac

Black on White

Black on Gray 01

Black on Gray 02

Black on Gray 03


White on Gray 05

White on Gray 06

White on Black


Our logo is designed to scale well in large and small sizes on print and screen. Smallest size for wordmark width: 20 mm or 150 px.

Logotype placement

The logo placement is flexible but should always be prioritzed to have most brand impact.

Priority Nr. 1

The logo placement is flexible but should always be prioritzed to have most To have most impact, prioritze using centered logotype and not puting any other assets in the same block. When logotype is centered in the block, in most cases it allows us to use it at larger size and improve brand visibility.brand impact.

Priority Nr. 2

In cases where space and composition is tighter and you can't center the logotype, attach it to one of the block corners.

In cases where block isn't wide enough or another element is using the same block as well, you can center the logotype at the bottom.

In all placement cases (except for the center one), use the same margins as other content elements.

Logotype centering

Ignore ® and Magic star when centering logotype horizontally, while vertically center logotype by letter M height.

Profile Icons

Social media profile icons are individually designed based on specifications. They are an exception to the clearspace guidelines and are sized optically to best fit each shape.

Wordmark Icons

Use the wordmark profile icon for public social networks, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.

Logo Guidance

Don’t mix or change colours of logotype elements

Don't box the logotype, use it cleanly

Don't adjust kerning for logotype

Don't adjust any shapes & elements of the logo

Don't alter the angle of the logo

Don't use logo on backgrounds with low contrast

Don't add any letters or symbols to logotype

Don’t add any additional elements to logotype

Logo Summary


Modular and adaptable


In most use cases - White or Space Blue


Prioritize logotype centering in the block when possible


Use consistent sizing on same type of materials